Group SNSD members Tiffany and Yuri showed their regretful and sad heart of stop being MCs of the MBC music program “Show! Music Core.”
The broadcasted “Show! Music Core” on the 31st was the last day of the 1 year and 4 months, as the two seats were vacated that day, in which together they sang 4Men “Baby Baby”, as their last stage was decorated.
While they were singing, Tiffany’s throat was stuck and started to cry
Tiffany said good-bye as she said, “I can’t realize that this is the last time. I thank to all those who helped”
Yuri also said “Every day was very happy. Even though I will say good-bye as a MC here, I promise to show a cooler appearance.”
From April, 2009, for 1 year and 4 months, “Show! Music Core”, their progress grew, in which the two members of SNSD, to focus on their activities in Japan, vacate their MC seats.
Translated by: Yeji@soshified.com
Credits to: 이데일리 SPN 장서윤 기자 ciel@
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